So HP announced that they’re pulling out of the PC Market (via sell off like IBM did a few years back to Lenovo), and also killing off their WebOS devices.

We’ll leave the why’s & wherefore’s to another Samsung/ Apple industry crushing debate another day…
However – who would’ve expected to snap up a 9.7″ tablet with these specs for under $100? Well no-one really, but it’s true. BestBuy in Canada and the US are flushing stock down the toilet faster than you can say, well, BestBuy I suppose. (Click the link for evidence but don’t expect to be able to buy one – they are SOLD OUT)
Even more amusing (or not if you have already splashed out on one), is that Amazon resellers have knocked a whopping £120 and £170 off the 16GB and 32GB devices respectively over here.
So what if you bought a device fromHP Direct… will they do the right thing and give you some hard earned cash back…. quite possible if TheUnlocker is reporting correctly.
If you’re looking for a cheap media device then this could be the answer, assuming you’re happy with a device that may/ may not have long term support on a platform that may/ may not be around in a year or so. Otherwise, pick up an AndyPad when released ;)
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