
Friday, December 31, 2010

Medgadget Evaluation of Google CR-48 Device

The folks over at Medgadget got their hands on the Google prototype machine the CR-48 to do an evaluation.While their work and opinions encompass much more than just the dental environment, what they learned can definitely be applied to the clinical world of dentistry.While we don't beat our devices up during treatment or with lots of movement,...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sfttray.exe. Launch .OSD file without the APP-V Console

Hello Do you want to execute the .OSD file without the Application Virtualization Console The file is sfttray.exe. The directory: program files\Microsoft Application Virtualization Cliente> The .osd file: \\App-v_Server\content\myfile.osd   sAnTos...

APP-V log.

Hi Do you want to see the APP-V log in the client? C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Datos de programa\Microsoft\Application Virtualization Client the stflog.txt is the file. The Application Virtualization Client console. You can change the register nivel from Information to Verbose to get more detail. sAnTos...

Microsoft Office 2010 and App-V 4.6

hi I am following many links, and I always get an error but, I put my favorites link for that

The operating system is not presently configured to run this application. App-V . Sequencing Microsoft Visio 2010 error

Hi I am installing Microsoft Visio 2010 and the client, I got this error (El sistema operativo no está configurado para esta aplicación)   the best links to follow ( a little old)

Species keep coming out of Peru

In the Peruvian Amazon, the rate of "major" animal discoveries is impressive: one new bird a year and one new mammal every four years. There are plenty of invertebrates as well: one find I mentioned in an earlier post was the toothy "Tyrannosaurus leech" (Tyrannobdella reina). As this article points out, the nation is taking meaningful conservation measures, with 15 percent of its lands under some level of protection. It's also...

How to back up your social media data

(Mashable) -- Remember how we were all freaking out on New Year's Eve, 1999, convinced that the world as we know it would end -- at the hands of machines, of course? Well, we weathered that storm and then some. Still, as we shamble forward into the next decade, it might be prudent to take pause and take stock of the years behind us....

65% of internet users have bought content online

NEW YORK ( -- Holiday shopping online was strong right through Christmas, with consumers spending a record $30.8 billion for the season, according to a research firm report issued Wednesday.Online sales for the 56 days ended Dec. 27 rose 13% from the same period in 2009, according to Reston, Va,-based comScore. There was a 17% year-over-year surge in the week that ended Dec. 26 -- the day after Christmas."For...

65% of internet users have bought content online

(Ars Technica) -- About 65% of Internet users have paid for some kind of online content, according to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center. Pew found that digital music and software are the two most common purchases, yet almost half of the users have only bought one or two kinds of content, and most have only used one method of...

Android Trojan Horse called Gemini is on the loose

You can never be too crazy about your security. When I got my Android phone a while back, one of the first programs I installed was the Lookout security suite. It backs up my phone and checks every download for bad stuff.Now comes word from the website talk about a Trojan horse program targeting the Android OS. You can't get...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The South Atlantic Anomaly

Here's another fun Skeptoid post. The South Atlantic Anomaly, unlike the Bermuda Triangle it's sometimes (unsupportably) linked to, is a real phenomenon, a quirk in the Van Allen belts that maintains a cloud of high-energy particles at an altitude low enough to concern the operators of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. Some spacecraft have sensitive instruments turned off when they approach the Anomaly. While pseudoscientists...

What was the Bell Island Boom?

Atmospheric phenomena have always fascinated me. We are still learning about strange, gigantically powerful phenomena like sprites and elfs (not elves) in the upper atmosphere. One awesome phenomenon we have confirmed is the superbolt, a long-lasting lightning bolt from the top of a thundercloud to the ground, with 100 times the power and brightness of a normal bolt. Skeptoid host Brian Dunning here details a superbolt strike,...

iPhone Slide Out Keyboard from Boxwave

For those of you who have an iPhone, but aren't a big fan of the soft touch keyboard, take a look at this.  This is the Keyboard Buddy iPhone 4 Case from Boxwave.  The device snaps onto your iPhone and then the keyboard slides out from the back.  The keyboard is a Bluetooth device, so it doesn't require a physical connection...

APP-V 4.6 Console error

hia I can’t open the app-v console. I got these error: Error 0000C801 It is easy the explanation. The IIS has the problem Change the Authentication Method in IIS7 and now it runs well...

App-V 4.6. Visio 2010 Sequencer

Hi The jpg files are in Spanish, I am sorry. My clients are Spanish people. ...

1,000-Core Chip Could Make PCs 20 Times Faster

Scottish scientists have built a 1,000-core processor, claiming it will run 20 times faster than today’s chips while using less power.Dr. Wim Vanderbauwhede led a research team at the University of Glasgow to create the futuristic processor using a programmable chip called a field programmable gate array (FPGA).Instead of the built-in circuitry...

AT&T to expand Times Square Wi-Fi by New Year's Eve

(CNN) -- Ahead of the annual New Year's Eve celebration, wireless provider AT&T says it will expand a Wi-Fi hotspot in New York City's Times Square.So if you plan to tweet "OMG it's 2011!!!" from Times Square early Saturday, you may have an easier time of it than you would have in 2010.The "hotzone," as AT&T calls it, is part of a...

A viral video on viral videos?

(CNN) -- How many videos go viral per year? From Bed Intruder Video to Annoying Orange, there's an insane amount of memes we've run with in 2010.And a new video attempts to cram them and dozens of other viral ideas into one video.Called the Klick! Holiday Party, the seven-minute clip, from ad agency Klick!, is a mock festive event in its...

'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'

(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of Facebook users happy and occupied.In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille" has become the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.According to AppData,...

The 10 biggest tech 'fails' of 2010

(CNN) -- In 2010, we saw social networking skyrocket in popularity. We embraced a new category of tablet computer. And we rushed to new gaming systems that let us play video games without a controller.But in the technology world, not all valleys are made of silicon. While the highs were high for the tech winners this year, the low points...

Two lawsuits target Apple, app makers over privacy concerns

(CNN) -- Although Apple gadgets sat under many a Christmas tree this year, the computer company is receiving some unwanted holiday-season attention.Two separate class-action lawsuits filed last week in federal court allege that Apple and as many as eight makers of popular applications for the iPhone facilitated the sharing of private information...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

McAfee's 2011 List of Threats

With the New Year fast approaching, tech enthusiasts are very excited about all of the latest technology that is being introduced in 2011, but what about the possible security concerns that come with all the new technology? On Tuesday, December 28, 2010, McAfee released their 2011 list of threat predictions. The company said, "The list comprises...

Creating a User-Defined Server Role in SQL Server “Denali”

“Denali” is the code-name for the next release of Microsoft SQL Server, and a community technology preview (CTP) is available for download from here. My colleague Geoff Allix has already posted a couple of articles about the enhancements Denali includes for debugging Transact-SQL scripts here and here, and as the Content Master data platform...

AALL/LexisNexis Call for Papers Award

AALL/LexisNexis Call for Papers Award Web Site » Writing Competitions: Papers must address an issue "relevant to law librarianship." First Prize: $750 Additional Prize(s): The winner will, in addition to receiving the cash prize described above, have the opportunity to present the winning paper at the 2011 American...

Third-Generation Kindle Now the Bestselling Product of All Time on Amazon Worldwide

I'm a Kindle user and lover.  Despite the fact of my iPad ownership, I still do a ton of reading on my Kindle when I travel, and I prefer to use the Kindle app on my iPad so that I can keep all of my book purchases in one place.  I've got to give Amazon credit, they've done a great job of making their ebooks available across a wide...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Homo sapiens much older than thought?

The general theory, until recently, was that our own species evolved only some 200,000 years ago, a half-million years after the migration out of Africa. Teeth found in Israel, though, may complicate this picture considerably. According to Israeli researchers, the teeth are from "modern" humans - but are 400,000 years old. While the discoverers are cautious (they will keep digging, looking for skulls and bones that might reinforce...

More on ancient human from Russia

Readers may remember the announcement made in March that a finger bone from a Russian cave represented a new species of human. Now we have learned more about the "Denisovans," as the writers have nicknamed these people from 41,000 years ago. Among other findings: some of their DNA shows up in modern people from Melanesia. That's a long way from southern Siberia, and complicates questions about human origins and migrations. As...

RoHS recast short delay

Gary Nevison, Premier Farnell.ENGLAND: At the Environmental Council meeting on 20 December the Council did not approve the RoHS recast text voted through by the European Parliament on 24 November due to translation problems.The Council will therefore officially adopt the text early in 2011 at one of the first meetings under the new EU presidency.Hungary and Poland, who joined the EU in 2004, will assume the presidency during 2011...

Moving to XenDesktop 5

Hi We have The XenDesktop 3 and 4. We are moving to The XenDestop 5.         I will post errors, comments and so on sAnTos...

APP-V. Error 25109. Data Store error

  I got these error If you install the product several times over the same sQL server. You need to delete de DB (APPVIRT) and the login user (with the computer name) Now, you can install the product without problems. (see this post) We ran into this today on and found a way around it. We think this was the cause of...

Service Manager Authoring Tool. Language Error

Hi We have SCSM in Spanish. My Windows 7 is in English. The SCSM console and the authoring tool runs in English. But sometime, I got errors. Not very well the integration with languages regards sAnTos...

Service Center Service Manager 2010. Our welcome page

hi We are installing the SCSM 2010 with a colleague (marta). Our portal: some problems to install the SCSM, because our SQL is in English and SCSM in Spanish. Now , We have both in Spanish, and the installation was well. sAntos...

App-V Error 25120. Virtual directory error

  I am installing APP-V 4.6 and I got the error: The best links to solve the problem:

HOW TO: Land a Job at Microsoft

Everyone has a dream job. Whether it’s a company you’ve been pining to be a part of or a new product you’re dying to throw your creativity into, there’s always a line of work that seems like the perfect fit.Though recognizing your ideal position is easy, actually getting the job is the hard part. For those looking to start a career at...