
Friday, March 26, 2010

Zomm - Never Misplace your Mobile Phone Again

Every once in a while I stumble across a product that is a "slap your forehead" kind of thing because it's so simple and solves a common problem and I wonder "why didn't I think of that?"

The Zomm is that kind of product. In February I was at the Chicago Midwinter Dental Meeting and I was on my way to an event hosted by Danaher on the 99th floor of the Sears Tower. The building is considered a national landmark, and as such, you are screened before entering. It's similar to what you go through in airports. As I stepped up, I reached for my Palm Pre mobile phone only to realize it wasn't in my pocket. I panicked, as my entire life was in that phone. I had just gotten out of cab, was it rolling around on the floor bouncing all over Chicago? Fortunately when I got back to my room that night, it was laying on the bed where I had left it. I was relieved, to say the least.

Now there's Zomm. It's brilliant in its simplicity. The idea was conceived by a mom who kept hearing friends and her kids complaining about losing their phones. It connects to your phone via Bluetooth and is attached to your keychain. It sounds an alarm if you get more than a few yards away from your phone. It also provides call notification with full mobile speakerphone functionality, provides a panic button and calls emergency assistance from anywhere in the world with just one press of a button.

The device is ingenious and will be available in summer 2010. You can even preorder them for $79.99 from the Zomm website. Very cool!!!

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