
Monday, May 23, 2011

Financial results for Apple in the second quarter of 2011

Apple released its financial results for the second quarter of this year and this quarter was the best quarter for the second quarter over the years. The Company's financial results as follows:

Apple has achieved a return of material of $ 24.67 billion and net profit was 5.99 billion dollars or the equivalent of $ 6.40 per share. International sales rose 59%.

Results in detail:

Apple sold 3.67 million Mac quarter, and this record increase of 28% year to year.
Apple sold 18.65 million iPhone this quarter and the score increase of 113% year to year.
Apple sold 9.02 million iPods this quarter, and recorded a decrease by 17% year to year.
Apple sold 4.69 million this quarter iPad.

Said Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple on the extent of satisfaction with the figures and said:

With earnings growth by 83% and net quarter by 95%, we are departing with all our engines and will continue to invent all fronts of the time remaining of the Year.

Some excerpts from the meeting of Finance:

The current situation in Japan did not affect the sales of Apple TV.
MacBook Air and MacBook Pro one of the main reasons for the high sales of the Mac.
IPod Touch sales by 50% of iPod sales.
100 million download from the Xbox store Aye.
186 Player of the iPhone in 96 countries and the latest U.S. Verizon and T to the Korean and Saudi Telecom.
Apple has sold all Alaibad 2, which was able to manufacture during the quarter.
Apple is the first client for Samsung also said Tim Cook is expected that the strong relationship between them will continue.
IOS the number of users is 189 million users.
The passage of 10 years on the opening of Apple stores.
Shop open 40 this year, most of which will be outside the United States of America.

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