
Monday, May 17, 2010

Impressions from the CDA Meeting in Anaheim

Well, the CDA meeting is now in the history books and I'm back in the Land of Oz again. This year's CDA was a big success with lots of attendees and tons of booth traffic. At this meeting, I was in the Gendex booth talking to folks about the tremendous benefits of 3D cone beam technology and the Gendex GXCB-500HD in particular.

Traffic on both Friday and Saturday was very good. Vendors I spoke with reported very good traffic and the aisles were consistently filled until closing both days. Sunday was less well attended, but the show was only open from 9-2.

Lots of innovation is taking place in dentistry. I saw a demo of the new Dentrix Mobile that allows a secure way to access lots of practice info over the web via a portable device. It's more than getting a peek at your schedule, Dentrix mobile allows your iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, etc to access certain types of info via a secure Internet connection.

Guru patient education software has changed greatly and is offering lots of new animations as well as lots of ways for doctors to use Guru, including an "al la carte" menu that let's the doctor choose & pay for only the animations they want. Guru has continued to evolve since its early days and now even offers the option of running it "in the cloud" so that all animations come in over the Internet with no need to install software. It's this type of forward thinking that keeps Guru at the leading edge of patient education.

DoctorBase is also adding new features such as their Panda software to help you keep in touch with your patients.

I saw lots of programs touting integration with the iPad and more cloud computing is on the way. Curve Dental is continuing to expand their online cloud computing model and will soon have an amazing announcement about something that every office needs and it will be... free.

So, that about wraps it up. Thanks to everyone at CDA who was nice enough to spend some time with me explaining their products.

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