Google announced last week that the company will begin phasing out support of Microsoft's Internet Explorer version 6 beginning in March.The announcement is directly related to attacks that Google had to fend off. The cyber attacks, which originated in China exploited a vulnerability found in IE6. Shortly after the attacks, Microsoft issued a patch that eliminated the problem.Google cited that many other companies have stopped...
- Google to End Support for Internet Explorer 6
- Amazon and Macmillan Disagree over Pricing
- Wilder Launches Statewide Data Hub « Minnesota Cou...
- JoeCo BLACKBOX RECORDER used by Richard Thompson
- Nonprofits: Time to Get Mobile - Online Fundraisin...
- Top 10 Social Media Countries | Penn Olson
- CFP: The Paradigm Shift in Scholarly Communication...
- BBC News - How online sponsorship changes the way ...
- The World Won't End Without Your Tweets | daveflee...
- iTero Continues to Impress... Digitally
- Crown’s HiQnet™ Band Manager™ Breaks The 10,000 Do...
- SCVMM R2, Job error
- Hyper-V R2, network problem
- HealthService problem.CPU high
- PHILANTHROPY 2173: What kind of Apps would your fo...
- EVGA's W555 Motherboard
- CFP: Access 2010 Winnipeg (the premier library tec...
- New technology tools help Haiti earthquake relief ...
- New award honors nonprofits' photographers
- LISNews Librarian Essay Contest
- Text messages are one more way to help Haiti victi...
- Finextra: Chase to extend crowdsourcing charity ef...
- Does Your Nonprofit Need a Social Media Guide? - O...
- Apple Announces iPad - The Much Rumored Apple Tablet
- Palm Pixi Plus (Verizon)
- Motorola Brute i680
- LG Lotus Elite
- Flickr for non-profits – 8 lessons learned | Socia...
- Call for Contributions: 100 Elite Chinese Returnee...
- Iomega StorCenter
- The single largest networked AV system in history?...
- Enterprise Architecture Definitions
- Enterprise Architecture. IT Architecture. Infrastr...
- Wordle
- The Text Effect
- CFP: Journal of Library and Information Service fo...
- CFP: KMworld 2010
- 6 Benefits of Using Twitter for Nonprofit | Pamela...
- Great Products For Child-Proofing Your Computer
- CFP: ETD 2010 Call for Papers, Posters, Presentati...
- First Steps with the Silverlight Bing Maps Control
- 100 Best Companies to Work
- Don't let Twitter, Facebook, Google be the only ga...
- Haiti mobile giving may spark surge in overall SMS...
- Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of H...
- Washburn presents brand new RX and NX Series
- Washburn previews new Idol Series at NAMM 2010
- Washburn previews all-new Acoustic Series
- SSL Matrix enjoys continued success
- IEEE publishes first Audio Video Bridging (AVB) St...
- Call for Essays: Patron Challenges to Remove Mater...
- Meet Marko, the 9-year-old systems engineer | Beyo...
- CFP: ASIST 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October...
- Sound Power ready for BSS Soundweb London changeover
- CFP: The Library Management Institute @ Arcadia Un...
- CFP: British Library Symposium: Maps in Context
- McAfee's Predicted Security Threats for 2010
- Will Desktops Ever Make a Comeback?
- Windows Embedded. ewfmgr error. EWF error
- Call for Chapters: Surviving and Thriving in the R...
- Call for Chapters: Library Management Tips That Work
- Got Twitter Clout? Here's How to Find out. - PC World
- White Papers — SocialFish
- Texting donations brings in milli...
- Randall introduces new all-tube RT Series
- Randall Amplifiers Introduces the Nuno Bettencourt...
- Stevie Wonder joins Ray Kurzweil for launch of new...
- City Brights: Zennie Abraham : Haiti Earthquake up...
- CFP: Collaborate Like You Mean It Conference. (De...
- Crown redfines affordable power amplifier category...
- JoeCo announce digital I/O versions of the BLACKBO...
- Crown flagship I-Tech HD amplifiers deployed for t...
- BSS Audio adds Telephone Hybrid Card option to Sou...
- BSS Audio adds cost-effective BLU-100 to its accla...
- onPhilanthropy: Articles: Online Community Respond...
- Social Media Aids Efforts to Help Victims of Earth...
- SSL announces X-Patch software controlled analogue...
- CFP: Special issue: Cataloging Grey Literature (Ca...
- Guru'board's Miniguru Keyboard
- The New Media Relations for Nonprofits - How Nonpr...
- Hyper-V R2, BSDO, evbda.sys error. CPU C-States
- AKG integrates DMS700 within HiQnet System Architect
- Multi-touch in Silverlight 3: Part 1
- Buffalo Introduces 4TB TeraStation in America
- Leveraging Data Analytics | eJewish Philanthropy: ...
- DigiTech launches Vocalist Live 3 vocal processor ...
- More On Online Giving in 2009 | eJewish Philanthro...
- CFP: 10th Year Anniversary Brick and Click Libraries
- RiverBed, SteelHead. To Accelerate files.
- Hyper-V Security Guide
- LG Neon GT365
- LG Xenon GR500
- Call for Bloggers: Metadata Interest Group (ALA Mi...
- Social Monitoring, the Basics | eMarketing & Comme...
- Fund Raiser Seeks -- and Shares -- Advice on Socia...
- Crown begin countdown to new XLS Series amplifiers
- D-Link Touch, Pocket 802.11n Router and Rush Wirel...
- Call for Posters: Innovations & Best Practices in ...
- CFP: IUG 2010 Poster Sessions
- Klipsch B-3
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Amazon and Macmillan Disagree over Pricing
If you go to Amazon currently and search on a title from Macmillan or any of its subsidiaries, you won't find them listed as available from Amazon. They are available from Amazon retailers, but not Amazon itself. Why, you ask? That's a good question and one that bears explaining.As the e-book reader market continues to change and evolve, we're going to see more and more struggles between the publishers and the distributors....
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wilder Launches Statewide Data Hub « Minnesota Council on Foundations Blog – Philanthropy Potluck
Wilder Launches Statewide Data Hub « Minnesota Council on Foundations Blog – Philanthropy Potluck: "Wilder Research has just launched Minnesota Compass, which offers a host of data and other resources in a user-friendly, easy-to-navigate, one-stop web site.This new initiative builds on the prior success of Twin Cities Compass, a similar project for the 7-county metro region. Minnesota Compass measures quality of life in communities...
JoeCo BLACKBOX RECORDER used by Richard Thompson

The BLACKBOX RECORDER has been used to capture a series of recent concerts given by legendary guitarist Richard Thompson.The recent Montalvo All Request Shows were recorded for possible future release. Simon Tassano was the FOH engineer and used the new BBR1 - BlackBox Recorder. He said he was very impressed with the unit - both with it's...
Nonprofits: Time to Get Mobile - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop
Nonprofits: Time to Get Mobile - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop: "83% of adults have cell phones or smartphones. 35% of users have accessed the Internet via their phone, according to a December 2009 report by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. So in times of natural disasters like the catastrophic earthquake that hit Haiti and affected more then two million people, can a...
Top 10 Social Media Countries | Penn Olson
Top 10 Social Media Countries | Penn Olson: "While the list is pretty comprehensive, one might argue that the comparison is according to absolute terms rather than population proportion (like how we compared Facebook users in Singapore and the U.S), it still works as a good indicator of the top social media countrie...
CFP: The Paradigm Shift in Scholarly Communication: Will Publications Perish?
CFP: The Paradigm Shift in Scholarly Communication: Will Publications Perish?A Collaborative Session Proposed by the CELJ (Council of Editors of Learned Journals) and the American Library Association Los Angeles - MLA Convention- Jan. 6-9, 2011.The scholarly essay, once the coin of the realm in academia, is being transformed by digital technologies, which have enabled instant and open access through electronic publishing. Thisrevolution...
BBC News - How online sponsorship changes the way we give
BBC News - How online sponsorship changes the way we give: "It wasn't long ago that every person running a race or attempting some feat would send around a sponsorship form at their - or their parents' - office. But now, anyone looking to raise any significant amount of cash has migrated onlin...
The World Won't End Without Your Tweets |
The World Won't End Without Your Tweets | "Social media can be a compulsive beast. It’s easy to feel a ‘need’ to keep putting out content through your various channels; no-where is this more true right now than on Twitter. I’ve written about that topic before, and I’ve also discovered the importance of unplugging occasionall...
iTero Continues to Impress... Digitally
We are two weeks into our time with the Cadent iTero. The experience has been a good one with the staff taking to it with a minimum of effort and the patient's have been both impressed with the technology and the elimination of the vinylpolyether impression material. They are also fascinated with the technology and love to watch the case take shape on the screen.We've found that the workflow has actually improved our scheduling...
Crown’s HiQnet™ Band Manager™ Breaks The 10,000 Download Barrier

Over the past year, 10,000 users have experienced Crown’s ground-breaking HiQnet™ Band Manager™ system configuration and control software and are deploying it in a number of portable PA applications from DJs, to bands and singers. The free-of-charge application provides an intuitive user centric, function-driven interface designed to simplify...
Thursday, January 28, 2010
SCVMM R2, Job error

HIWe have a Hyper-V R2 Cluster with CSV.We move a VM with the SCVMM R2 program.I got an error I dont like to re-run the job.I use this link to hide the job in the VMM database. * dbo.tbl_TR_TaskTrail WHERE TaskState = ‘Failed’I look the TaskID from the...
Hyper-V R2, network problem
HiDo you have problems with the VM and NICS?Try this link:The network connection of a running Hyper-V virtual machine is lost under heavy outgoing network traffic on a Windows Server 2008 R2-based computer
HealthService problem.CPU high
HiWe have a Windows 2008 Hyper-V Cluster.The CPU is very high.The HealthService is the guilty.The SCOM is the service with the problemAll MP are updates.I follow this links: did this link:
PHILANTHROPY 2173: What kind of Apps would your foundation build?
PHILANTHROPY 2173: What kind of Apps would your foundation build?: "As my plane landed I sent out this Tweet 'What could a community foundation App do?Whoa. The smarties of Twitter responded. A flood of ideas came along - tweeted, DM'd and on and on. Here are some of the...
EVGA's W555 Motherboard

CES was a huge event when it happened a few of weeks ago. There was some pretty big surprises and some huge new technologies unveiled that everybody was talking about. But what people are talking about now are some of the things that flew under the radar at the show, products like the new W555 Motherboard from EVGA.The W555 is basically like...
EVGA W555,
CFP: Access 2010 Winnipeg (the premier library technology conference in Canada)
CFP: Access 2010 Winnipeg (the premier library technology conference in Canada)About AccessThe Access conferences are sponsored by the ETIG (Emerging Technology Interest Group) of the Canadian Library Association. To find out about Access and a list of past conferences visit the ETIG blog.CFP: are due February 15, 2010Access 2010 WinnipegOctober 13 to 16, 2...
New technology tools help Haiti earthquake relief -
New technology tools help Haiti earthquake relief - "Volunteers have built and refined software for tracking missing people, mapping the disaster area and enabling urgent cell-phone text messaging. Organizations including the International Red Cross, the United Nations, the World Bank and the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency have put the systems to us...
New award honors nonprofits' photographers
New award honors nonprofits' photographers: "So Farese created an online nonprofit,, to link documentary photographers with nonprofits in need of exposure. At a time when international reporting is disappearing from the pages of financially strapped newspapers and magazines, she gathered a group of private investors and some of the biggest Bay Area names in photography to award cash prizes to the best photo...
LISNews Librarian Essay Contest
LISNews Librarian Essay ContestThe first ever LISNews Librarian Essay Contest invites librarians to write an original essay about issues that impact librarianship. The contest will run for the entire month of February, 2010, with the fabulous prizes awarded sometime in March. Winning essayists will receive one of several prizes including Amazon or Borders gift cards, and a year of hosting from Essays Must Be Submitted...
Text messages are one more way to help Haiti victims - Las Cruces Sun-News
Text messages are one more way to help Haiti victims - Las Cruces Sun-News: "LAS CRUCES - Nursing student Gonzalo Valdez, 28, sat on a couch in Corbett Center at New Mexico State University on Tuesday and typed a few letters and numbers into his iPhone before returning to his studying.The whole transaction took just about a minute, but Valdez helped provide clean drinking water, first aid supplies or a warm blanket to a victim...
Finextra: Chase to extend crowdsourcing charity effort after two million facebook users vote online
Finextra: Chase to extend crowdsourcing charity effort after two million facebook users vote online: "Chase to extend crowdsourcing charity effort after two million facebook users vote online Chase is to extend the use of social media for charitable giving after its first campaign on facebook attracted more than two million users to its Community Giving sit...
Does Your Nonprofit Need a Social Media Guide? - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop
Does Your Nonprofit Need a Social Media Guide? - Online Fundraising, Advocacy, and Social Media - frogloop: "Guess what one of the biggest challenges nonprofits face today when adding a blog to their website or diving into social media? Giving up control.Does this sound familiar? * Should blog comments be moderated? * Should we even allow public comments on our blog? * How do we handle negative comments? Just delete...
Apple Announces iPad - The Much Rumored Apple Tablet

Unless you haven't been paying attention, the tech world has been awash in rumors the last month or so about what Apple would be announcing on January 27th. Well today was the big day and for once us pundits got it right. The gang in Cupertino announced a tablet type device called the iPad.Now when a lot of us think of "tablet" I think...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Palm Pixi Plus (Verizon)

Palm Pixi Plus (Verizon) is nearly identical in design to the Sprint Palm Pixi, sharing the same dimensions, 2.63 inch multi touch screen, and full QWERTY keyboard. Verizon also packages Palm Pixi Plus (Verizon) with the same accessories, which include a travel charger, a USB cable, and reference material. However, in addition to the limited...
Luxurious Cell Phone,
PDA Phone,
Smart Phone
Motorola Brute i680

Motorola Brute i680 should be able to withstand just about anything you can throw at it. It's large (3.92 inches tall by 2.09 inches wide by 1 inch deep), heavy (5.63 ounces), and is covered in a tough plastic and rubber skin. Indeed, the handset feels very solid in the hand and the sturdy hinge ensures that it opens and shuts with authority....
Luxurious Cell Phone,
PDA Phone,
Smart Phone
LG Lotus Elite

LG Lotus Elite carries on the fashion phone reputation of its predecessor with an unquestionably bold and unique design. Measuring 3.43 inches wide by 2.44 inches long by 0.75 inch thick, LG Lotus Elite pays homage to the original Lotus with its square shape but has a style all its own. Indeed, the Lotus Elite is much sleeker and curvier...
Smart Phone
Flickr for non-profits – 8 lessons learned | Social Media 4 Good
Flickr for non-profits – 8 lessons learned | Social Media 4 Good: "I have been using Flickr for about two years to increase visibility of the work of Red Cross Red Crescent. Today, I’d like to share some of the lessons I’ve learned.Why Flickr?I believe that most non-profits spend too much time preaching to the choir. Flickr is a great website to show what your organization is doing or why it is doing it to people whom you haven’t...
Call for Contributions: 100 Elite Chinese Returnees in Entrepreneurship
Call for Contributions: 100 Elite Chinese Returnees in EntrepreneurshipSince 1978, in a hope to revitalize its ancient civilization, China began sending a large number of students and scholars overseas. Usually graduated from top universities at home, thousands of students have gone abroad each year to acquire advanced knowledge and skills, and those returned to China have already had a profound impact on the unprecedented transformation...
Iomega StorCenter

You can never have enough storage... right? Well, for years, Iomega has been fairly synonymous with storage. The device above is one of their latest devices, the StorCenter. It comes in various models, but is basically a RAID device that stores and can be accessed across your network.I could drone on about it, but I'll just share some...
The single largest networked AV system in history? Harman Professional at CityCenter Las Vegas

In what is rumoured to be the the largest networked AV system in history, CityCenter Las Vegas contains a Harman Professional system featuring BSS Soundweb London networking, Crown amplification and JBl speakers throughout - on a mind-blowing scale. The numbers speak for themselves - 750 BSS London networked DSP units, 700 Crown amps, and...
BSS Audio,
Harman Professional,
JBL Professional
Enterprise Architecture Definitions
hiI would like to share some Enterprise Architecture Definitios (EA). The purpose of EA is to identify and describe the enterprise-story, and help enhance effectiveness to keep the organisation 'on track' to that story. (Tom Graves)EA provides Technology roadmap align with Business objectives and service mapping;Information, data warehouse, platforms, and business process tools.(Sami Sheikh)Zero and One.The rest are derivatives.(Grant...
Enterprise Architecture. IT Architecture. Infrastructure Architecture ….
Hi I link to learn more about this subject. I read this link : Thanks to people who write about this sAn...

HiI was wondering about the Enterprise Architecture and I found this application: Wordle funny tool sAn...
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The Text Effect
The Text Effect: "Cell phone users have made the Haiti relief effort the most successful mobile giving campaign in history.Four or five years ago, the idea of raising literally millions of dollars via text message would have been ludicrous.Now, Michael Nilsen with the Association of Fundraising Professionals calls texting a quantum leap in fundraising.'Giving via text message was around, still in its infancy but certainly had...
Monday, January 25, 2010
CFP: Journal of Library and Information Service for Distance Learning
CFP: Journal of Library and Information Service for Distance LearningThe Journal of Library and Information Service for Distance Learning, a peer-reviewed journal published by Routledge, welcomes the submission of manuscripts.The journal is devoted to the issues and concerns of librarians and information specialists involved with distance education and delivering library resources and services to this growing community of students.Topics...
CFP: KMworld 2010
CFP: KMworld 2010November 16-18Marriott Renaissance, Washington DC Theme: KnowHow: The Knowledge Driven EnterpriseThis note is to let you know that KMWorld is moving in 2010 to the east coast. We hope many of you will be able to participate as speakers and attendees. The call for speakers is now up online and we hope you will pass it along to your colleagues too!The conference will include...
6 Benefits of Using Twitter for Nonprofit | Pamela Grow's Grantwriting Blog
6 Benefits of Using Twitter for Nonprofit | Pamela Grow's Grantwriting Blog: "Why should we?”“Twitter is just a bunch of noise about people eating lunch.”“Our customers aren’t online.”“We already have a website.”Sound familiar? There are plenty of reasons to avoid social media, it seems. It is true that there are a zillion time-wasting testimonials out there, and a plethora of pundits sharing little, if any, value to organizations...
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Great Products For Child-Proofing Your Computer

Anyone with a child knows they are fascinated with computers, starting at a very young age. Leaving your child alone with your computer is not the ideal situation, but watching them every second isn't always possible, either. Whether you want to protect your children from the many dangers of the internet or protect your important files from...
kids internet,
CFP: ETD 2010 Call for Papers, Posters, Presentations and Tutorials
CFP: ETD 2010 Call for Papers, Posters, Presentations and TutorialsURL: behalf of The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD), and the University of Texas Libraries, we would like to invite you to submit a paper, poster or presentation for "ETD 2010: Collaboration, Innovation, Sustainability" - the 13th International Symposium on Electronic Theses...
Saturday, January 23, 2010
First Steps with the Silverlight Bing Maps Control
A while back, I posted an article about displaying spatial data from SQL Server with what was then called the Virtual Earth Maps control. The article demonstrated an application that retrieves information about locations visited by a toy stuffed bear named Beanie, and displays those locations on a map. Since then, the Virtual Earth Map control...
Bing Maps,
Friday, January 22, 2010
100 Best Companies to Work
Hi Nothing to sayWell. Yes. My company is not here ;-( . ;-) sAn...
Don't let Twitter, Facebook, Google be the only game in town -
Don't let Twitter, Facebook, Google be the only game in town - "There's no reason that organizations or individuals who want to use the Web to relay critical information have to rely on Twitter or Facebook or Google or any other giant of the technology industry in the first place. We've just forgotten a bit about how the Internet was supposed to work.Rescue organizations and charities should simply be able to use the...
Haiti mobile giving may spark surge in overall SMS contributions
Haiti mobile giving may spark surge in overall SMS contributions: "Manis, a former senior vice president at premium SMS aggregator m-Qube who left after it was acquired by VeriSign, said the huge spike in mobile giving after the Haiti earthquake represents a confluence of multiple factors. First off, a mature mobile giving infrastructure is finally in place. Organizations such as the Mobile Giving Foundation and mGive have integrated...
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of Hacking -
Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of Hacking - "According to a new analysis, one out of five Web users still decides to leave the digital equivalent of a key under the doormat: they choose a simple, easily guessed password like “abc123,” “iloveyou” or even “password” to protect their dat...
Washburn presents brand new RX and NX Series

Washburn Guitars unveils the new NX & RX electric guitar series. Based on Washburn’s X Series, the NX and RX series have a slightly modified body shape. The new models include the RX10, RX12, RX20, RX22, RX25, NX30, NX40, NX50, and the NX100. RX10This affordable electric guitar features a Basswood body, a bolt on Maple neck, rosewood...
Washburn previews new Idol Series at NAMM 2010

New for 2010, Washburn Guitars announces the new Idol Series. Traditionally, the Idol series has had a unique look and shape, but the remodeled series has now taken on a new image. One of Washburn’s biggest changes this year is the adoption of a narrower lower bout silhouette. The models to be introduced include the WIN14, WIN20, WIN22,...
Washburn previews all-new Acoustic Series

Washburn Guitars has previewed an all-new acoustic guitar range at NAMM 2010 consisting of 30 new models. The new range featuring a variety of body shapes and wood combinations will be available from June 2010. Each of the new 10, 20, 30, and 40 acoustic series features different tonewoods with models available in dreadnought or mini jumbo...
SSL Matrix enjoys continued success

Introduced at last year’s NAMM, the Solid State Logic Matrix Studio integration console continues to enjoy brisk sales across all levels of the industry. Professional studios, including Timbaland’s touring bus, South Beach Studios and Larrabee Studios, join major educational placements, such as Full Sail University, and smaller private studios...
IEEE publishes first Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Standard
The AVnu Alliance™ is pleased to announce that the IEEE has ratified and published IEEE 802.1Qav, the first of the core Audio/Video Bridging (AVB) standards. IEEE 802.1Qav defines forwarding and queuing for time sensitive streams and is part of a suite of standards developed by the IEEE 802.1 AVB task group. AVnu Alliance, a group of industry leading companies dedicated to promoting the emerging AVB networking standards across...
BSS Audio,
Harman Professional
Call for Essays: Patron Challenges to Remove Materials from Library Collections
Call for Essays: Patron Challenges to Remove Materials from Library CollectionsSeeking essays by and about librarians in public, school, and academic libraries who have experienced challenges to remove material from library collections.These essays should be no more than 2500 words in length, and should provide details of a full challenge experience, from initial contact through ultimate resolution. Essays can be a first person...
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Meet Marko, the 9-year-old systems engineer | Beyond Binary - CNET News
Meet Marko, the 9-year-old systems engineer | Beyond Binary - CNET News: "Marko already has his first gig as a system administrator, remotely managing a network of computers for a nonprofit that works with people with disabilitie...
CFP: ASIST 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 22-27, 2010
CFP: ASIST 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 22-27, 2010American Society for Inforamtion Science and TechnologyNavigating Streams in an Information EcosystemComplete Call at: Papers (short and long), Panels, Workshops and Tutorials: May 31, 20102. Posters, Demos and Videos: July 16, 2010The ASIST Annual Meeting is the main venue for disseminating research centred...
Sound Power ready for BSS Soundweb London changeover

BSS Audio and UK distributor Sound Technology Ltd is pleased to report high-profile AV systems integrator Sound Power is upgrading to BSS Soundweb London for future installs. Few companies can have fitted more BSS Soundweb units into their vast portfolio of bar retail chains this year than AV systems integrators, Sound Power. For many years...
BSS Audio
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
CFP: The Library Management Institute @ Arcadia University
CFP: The Library Management Institute @ Arcadia UniversityDEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING PROPOSALS IS THIS FRIDAY JANUARY 22nd ...This is a reminder that The Library Management Institute @ Arcadia University is seeking interested workshop leaders for a special two-day conference being held on the Arcadia campus near Philadelphia, March 15-16, 2010, and that the deadline for submitting your proposal is this Friday January 22nd. The theme...
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