
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone Applications (Typhoon)

Well,I have been successfully using WM5 ROM by Ronswens and am happy to say that I'm a happier customer of HTC Typhoon (bought it on Jan 2005) .WM5 ROM really outshines WM 2003 SE ROM.I started experimenting heavily using this ROM and am successful so far except for A2DP profile thingy which may be sorted out pretty soon by Ronswens!!I have...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Windows Mobile 5 on HTC Typhoon a.k.a Krome IQ700

I'm very excited to say that I have been successful in installing Windows Mobile 5 on my Windows Smartphone.I had to wait for so many days to test WM5 and finally,here I am,posting my 10 day experiences with this new ROM.Firstly,if you are interested in trying this out:::Backup your exisiting WM2003 ROM using the steps explained here.Now,you...

Thursday, May 4, 2006

Opera Mini 2.0 Improved Features (Review)

Opera plays a silent cat's role by releasing a 'pepped-up' version of Opera Mini.I have tried it on my HTC Typhoon and was taken aback on its improved feature set!Some of the changes are::1)A revised UI(minor change)2)Better Navigation(Smooth scroll)3)Image save option(PIE opens up)4)File Download option(Partial Implementation)5)Option to...