
Friday, May 29, 2009

Time Machine for Nokia S60 5th Edition

Time Machine for Nokia S60 5th EditionTime Machine is a countdown timer application for Nokia 5800XpressMusic.

Author: Sheludkov

Free Download: TimeMachine.sis

Thursday, May 28, 2009

are you an Entrerprise Architect?


The Microsoft Surface

microsoft surfaceCan we make computers any more adaptable and everyday oriented than the Microsoft Surface? It is a computer that literally functions as a computer and a coffee table. The slick 30-inch tabletop turns into a completely interactive experience. It utilizes a camera-based vision system that allows multiple users to grab, move, or select things with a touch of their hand.

The vision systems that the Surface uses consists of five different cameras that allow for interaction between hands, objects, and devices. It can identify hands, fingers, paintbrushes, tagged objects, and a multitude of other items. The tagged item recognition feature is quite amazing. In order for the Microsoft Surface to uniquely identify objects, a tag is utilized. It can also be used to start a command or action. A certain tagged object could allow a cardholder to make a purchase and charge it to their card.

The Microsoft Surface’s use of hands-on interaction and mouse-less computing enables easy control, excellent viewing angles, and brilliant display for everyone surrounding the table. Another wonderful advantage Microsoft developed with the Surface is its ability to withstand almost anything. Sticky hands and spilled drinks aren’t even a concern for the rugged Surface.

As of now, the Microsoft Surface is only available for commercial purchase. It is being targeted in the business areas of financial services, retail, hospitality, health care, and automotive, but soon I believe that these dream computers will be available for everyone. Microsoft hopes to in the near future evolve the Surface to fit into a number of environments such as schools, businesses, and homes. This fantastic innovation is something to definitely watch for in future computer developments.

Using Google Maps to Display Geographical Information in SharePoint

Google Maps provides a really simple way to display geographical information, such as a set of pinpoints or a route, in the context of the surrounding geography, and developers can use it for free on Internet-facing sites. If you have data stored in Microsoft SharePoint products or technologies that includes geographical information, you should consider if a map display might help your users. I'm going to show you how to use Google Maps with the SharePoint user interface and demonstrate some simple coding techniques.

Microsoft's flagship SharePoint product is Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 but you could easily use maps in the free Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or other products based on SharePoint, such as Search Server 2008.

Take a good look at all the mapping solutions before starting to code. You may prefer Virtual Earth's user interface or find that Yahoo! Maps have more detail in a location that is important to you. I've coded Google Maps for a customer, and it is the most popular solution, but if you chose Virtual Earth instead the only difference would be in the JavaScript code I describe.

I'll concentrate on the use of Google Maps to display search results but the methods described can be applied other sources of data such as a SharePoint list, an Excel spreadsheet, or a Business Data Catalog (BDC) connection.

General Architecture

SharePoint is built on the ASP.NET 2.0 server-side development technology and its user interface is built from ASP.NET Web Parts. Web Parts allow administrators and users to customize the user interface to match their needs. They can add or remove Web Parts or rearrange them on the page. In the Web Part Gallery, site administrators can control which Web Parts are available. When you develop user interface components for SharePoint you should create them as Web Parts to inherit this flexibility automatically. You should also consider whether to create more than one Web Part to encapsulate different aspects of functionality that users can easily differentiate.

As an example consider a search tool for geographical data. When the user clicks "Search" the tool presents a list of results that match their terms as you might see in an Internet search engine or the SharePoint Search Center. However this tool also presents a Google map with the results pinpointed. This tool might warrant three Web Parts; one for the search terms, one for the results in a list, and a final one for the results on a map. In this architecture users or administrators could show just the list, just the map, or both displays.

Unlike Web Parts, Google Maps are coded in client-side code. JavaScript is used in the browser to create and position the map, add pinpoints, add captions, and draw shapes. This is what makes life interesting. Your Google Maps SharePoint solution must address how to communicate between server-side Web Parts and client-side JavaScript. You could, for example, publish a Web Service on the server and have client-side code query it and present results. AJAX would provide a lot of help with this. In the method I used, a server-side Web Part generates XML and renders it as an island amongst the SharePoint HTML. In the browser, JavaScript can locate this island and use it to draw the map and add pinpoints.

Search Results Web Part

In most search tools, results are presented in a list with links to each, a short description, and sometimes other fields. To build a SharePoint Web Part that displays search results, you submit a query by using a Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query.FullTextSqlQuery object. This returns a ResultTable object through which you must loop to evaluate each individual result and display them to users.

XML Data Island

As your code loops through the ResultTable, you can build the XML to place as an island in the Web page that will be returned to the client. To do this, create a System.Xml.XmlWriter object and configure it with a corresponding XmlWriterSettings object:

//Create the XML Writer Settings for configuration

XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();

settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

settings.Indent = true;

settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;

//This string builder will be used to render the XML

resultsForMap = new StringBuilder();

//Create the XML writer

XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(resultsForMap, settings);

Then you can write the start element for your XML:

writer.WriteStartElement("MapResults", "my.namespace");

Looping through the DataRow objects in the ResultTable.Rows collection, you can add XML elements with the properties you need. For example:

foreach (DataRow currentResult in myResults.Rows)
      writer.WriteElementString("Path", path);

You must remember to end the XML and flush the writer:


Your XML is now flushed to the StringBuilder object (named resultsForMap in the above example). To render this string on the SharePoint Web page you can use an ASP.NET Label like this:

returnedXmlLabel.Text = "<xml id="\">" +
      resultsForMap.ToString() + "</xml>";

The ID you use for this XML island allows JavaScript code to locate it when the map is rendered on the client.

Map Results Web Part

Since the work of populating the map with points and captions is done in client-side code, there is little to be done in ASP.NET code for the Map Results Web Part. However it is necessary to render a <div> tag for the map, and a <script> tag for the Google Maps code library. This <script> tag is where you must render the Google Key associated with your Google Maps account.

protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)
      //Render the script tags that link to Google Maps API
      writer.WriteLine(String.Format("<script " +
            src="\" +
            file="api&v=2&key={0}\ " +
            type=\"text/javascript\"> </script>",
            "Your key here" ()));
      //Render the div that will display the map
      writer.Write("<br /><div id=\"map\" " +
            "style=\"width: 800px; height: 600px\" ></div>");

Registering and Embedding the Scripts

In the Map Results Web Part, you must also ensure that the JavaScript, which generates the map and populates it with pinpoints, executes when the page reaches the client. ASP.NET 2.0 provides an elegant way to do this: you can embed script files as resources in the same assembly as the Map Results Web Part. This makes deployment simple, because the script is part of the assembly.

You must complete several steps to embed a script file in your Web Part assembly:

  1. Add a JavaScript file to the Visual Studio project and write the JavaScript Code.

    This file is where you place all the Google Maps code. For examples of such code, see "JavaScript Files" below.

  2. Add Web resource entries to the AssemblyInfo.cs file.

    This file contains information about the assembly such as version numbers. You can add a reference to a script file like this:

    [assembly: WebResource("MyNameSpace.MapScripts.js",
          "text/javascript", PerformSubstitution = true)]

  3. In your Map Results Web Part, register the script resource.

    You should do this in the OnPreRender method:

    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
          //Register the JavaScript file
               this.GetType(), "MyNameSpace.MapScripts.js");

  4. Make sure the script runs whenever the page loads.

    You do this by registering the script as a startup script. Add the following line to the Map Result Web Part in the Render method:

          this.GetType(), "MapScriptsStart", "loadMap();", true);


JavaScript Files

We now have an XML island rendered in the SharePoint Web Part that contains all the results that must appear on the map. We have also embedded a JavaScript file in the Web Part assembly to execute when the page loads on the client. The final task is to write JavaScript in the embedded file that loads the Google Map and add pinpoints and other objects.

Loading the Map

First, create a global variable to reference the map itself. You will need this throughout the script file:

var map;

Next create a function to load the map. This should match the function you specified in the RegisterStartupScript method in the previous section:

function loadMap(){
      //Create the map
      map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
      //Centre it on default latitude and longitude.
      map.setCenter(new GLatLng(54.59088, -4.24072), 16);
      //Set a default zoom level
      //Add the controls
      var mapControl = new GLargeMapControl();
      map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
      //Parse the XML in the HTML data

Parsing the XML Island

The last line of the above code calls a separate parseXmlIsland function. This function locates the XML island and loads it into a variable. This must be done slightly differently depending on the user's browser:

var xmlIsland;
try //Internet Explorer
      xmlIsland = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
catch (e)
      try //Firefox, Mozilla, Opera etc.
            xmlIsland =
            document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
xmlIsland.async = "false";
xmlIsland.validateOnParse = "false";

Setup some variables and get all the results nodes you placed in the XML:

var Title, Path, Latitude, Longitude;
var resultNodes = xmlIsland.getElementsByTagName("Result");

Now, loop through the node, storing relevant information:

var resultNode;
var resultNodeChild;
for (i = 0; i < resultNodes.length; i++) {
      resultnode = resultNodes[i];
      for ( j = 0; j < resultNode.childNodes.length; j++) {
            resultNodeChild = resultNode.childNodes[j];
            switch (resultNodeChild.nodeName) {
            case "Title":
                  Title = resultNodeChild.text;
            case "Path":
                  Path = resultNodeChild.text;
            case "Latitude":
                  Latitude = parseFloat(resultNodeChild.text);
            case "Longitude":
                  Longitude = parseFloat(resultNodeChild.text);
      //Add a point for this result
      addPinPoint(Title, Path, Latitude, Longitude);

Adding Pinpoints

The above code calls the addPinPoint function for every result in the XML island. This function adds a pinpoint to the Google map in the standard way:

function addPinPoint(Title, Path, Latitude, Longitude){
      //Set up the icon
      var myIcon = new GIcon(G_DEFAULT_ICON);
      //Select the right icon
      myIcon.image = "mapimages/myPinPointIcon.png";
      myIcon.iconSize = new GSize(12, 30);
      myIcon.shadow = "mapimages/myPinPointShadow.png";
      myIcon.shadowSize = new GSize(23, 30);
      myIcon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 30);
      markerOptions = { icon:myIcon };

      //Formulate the HTML that goes into the caption window
      var infoHtml = "&lta href="">" + Title + "</a>";

      //Add the marker
      var point = new GLatLng(Latitude, Longitude, false);
      var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);

      //Add an info window
      GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function () {

      //Add the overlay

Licensing Considerations

The techniques I've outlined illustrate that Google Maps can be easily integrated into a SharePoint site and become a valuable addition to SharePoint functionality. However, before you develop such a solution, you must investigate licensing restrictions fully. This section describes the main issues and alternative map providers.

Licensing Google Maps

Google Maps is free for use on Internet-facing, non-subscription sites. If you use SharePoint to host your organisation's main Web site, or more targeted sites for departments, subsidiaries, or products, you can use Google Maps for no charge on pages with no access restrictions.

Google Maps does not allow free use on any password-protected page or on intranet sites. In such cases you can still use the technology, but you must take out a Google Maps for Enterprise license. Google Maps for Enterprise is licensed on a per-concurrent-user basis.

Microsoft Virtual Earth and Other Providers

Microsoft's Virtual Earth service competes directly with Google Maps and works in a similar way. There is an approximately equivalent set of features and maps are drawn and populated by using client-side code just like Google Maps. To use Virtual Earth with SharePoint your general approach can be identical to that described above although you must rewrite the JavaScript code to use the Virtual Earth classes and methods. On the intranet, Virtual Earth is licensed on the basis of total users.

Yahoo! also have a mapping service. This can be used free on both Internet and intranet sites so you should consider it carefully for SharePoint enterprise content management or knowledge management solutions restricted to your internal users. Yahoo! Maps cannot be used in applications for which you charge users. There are also other alternatives, such as PushPin.


Google Maps represents the easiest way to display geographical data on Web sites, including those hosted in Microsoft SharePoint products and technologies. If you carefully plan how to integrate the server-side SharePoint technology with the client-side Google Maps code, you can easily integrate the two and generate a rich user experience for geographical data.


Windows SharePoint Services Developer Center

SharePoint Server Developer Center

Google Maps API Documentation


LG Arena KM900

LG delivers Arena KM900 in a compact box. This package depicts around five LG Arena phones displaying different screen shots of the new interface. The box itself closes with a magnet and is quite straightforward and neat. Upon opening the box, LG KM900 Arena is visible right away. The LG mobile phone looks beautiful. The size is perfect, just like its weight. The front is silver (shiny) and in addition to the touchscreen monitor, it also features three touch buttons.

Furthermore, there are only four buttons on the LG smartphone the on and off button, the camera shortcut and the volume buttons. Along with the LG Arena cell phone, a data cable, a headset, a battery charger, a software CD and several instruction manuals are packed in the box. The year 2008 was very successful for LG Mobile. Not only thanks to the worldwide sales of 100 million mobile phones, but also because of having conquered a significantly larger market share.

As a result of the high sales numbers, LG has now surpassed Motorola and is well on its way to reach a solid Top 3 ranking. And with the many product introductions announced by LG Electronics, this aim may well become reality. The announced cooperation with Windows Mobile shows that LG has definitely gone into a different direction, together with the new LG user interface, it will suit everybody’s needs.

The coming three years, some 50 introductions of LG phones with Windows Mobile are scheduled. And the fact that Windows Mobile will launch a new version in the market later this year ensures the expectations are sky high. The menu of the LG Arena has changed drastically, thanks to the new S-Class User Interface. The changes are positive by all means. Not only is it beautifully designed from a graphical viewpoint, but it is also easy to work with and proves remarkably smooth.

There are four start windows Shortcuts, Widgets, Contacts and Multi media. These start screens can be changed by moving them, which will make the screen rotate like a cube. Or you can use the middle touch key to do so. A rotating 3D cube will be displayed, at which you can choose the desired screen. Furthermore, there are four shortcuts below the start screen at all times, a keypad to select a phone number, messages, phone list and the menu button.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Xarshinonline News: Madaxwayne Rayaale Iyo Labada Guddoomiye Ee Xisbiyada Mucaaradka Ah Oo Aqbalay Kulan La Isku Soo Horfadhiisinayo.


Night Magazine dedicates front cover to JBL/Crown/BSS install at All Star Lanes

The front cover of the April 2009 issue of Night Magazine is dedicated to All Star Lanes, Brick Lane, which includes a major integrated installation of JBL Control Contractor, JBL AE, BSS Soundweb and Crown XTi amplifiers.

A combination of JBL Control 30, Control 29 and AE-Series is used throughout the 3 primary zone, 11 sub-zone system. All are powered by Crown XTi Series amplifiers. The network is controlled by BSS Soundweb London.

The ample power of the Soundweb DSP provides dynamic audio control and routing, "Aside from maintaining even sound dispersion, critical to the operation is an intuitive relay matrix, in which any source can be routed to any destination."

Particularly pleasing in the article is SDG's David Graham comment, "The back-up we received from Harman Pro's new distributors, Sound Technology, was exceptional."

More information:


AKG features in Audio Media live and studio microphone product samplers

The latest edition of Audio Media magazine features round-ups of the latest offerings in the live and studio microphone sectors.

The AKG C214 is picked out in the studio category , whist the just-shipping limited edition all-chrome D7 premium dynamic is their choice in the live category.

More information:


Iamdoing is a twitter client for S60 phones

Iamdoing is a twitter client for S60 phones iamdoing is a twitter client for S60 phones

Best features of Iamdoing:
  • Support for splitting your message in several 140 char messages, adding "..." and using the proper order for presenting the pieces ;-)
  • Automatic support for generating tiny URLs. Yes, put any URL and it will be converted using service, much smaller then tinyurl.
  • Support to follow links in message. Just click in a message with links and you will have the option for following them using S60 browser.
  • Proxy support (a must have for any modern application)
Free Download: here

"...above some of its biggest rivals": Guitar Buyer review the Digitech RP1000

"The features of this unit are extensive. There's a lot going on ... though it is refreshingly easy to navigate".

Having already seen three great Digitech RP1000 reviews in as many months, May is no exception. This time it is Guitar Buyer Magazine's turn to cast its eye over Digitech's flagship multi-effects processor. The magazines 'Gold Stars' are awarded for its 'Large range of good-quality sounds', 'tough construction' and the fact that it's 'easy to use'.

More information:


Reason Premium Edition earns Recommended Award from

Reason Premium Edition has been given a 'Recommended' award by IT Reviews, the UK website for independent reviews of hardware, software and games by professional journalists (established 1998, with a readership of over 700,000 visitors each month).

"If you've ever wanted to be a dedicated digital composer without having to spend a fortune on instruments and recording studios, then this deluxe version of Reason 4 has to be one of the finest examples of music recording software on the market."

More information:


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Samsung Magnet SGH-A257

Unlike Samsung's recent messaging phones, like the Samsung Impression and the Messager, Samsung Magnet forgoes the slider design and goes for a more straight forward candy bar chassis. However, don't mistake straightforward for boring. The Magnet is quite eye catching with its orange color and slim profile. The handset measures 4.2 inches tall by 2.3 inches wide by 0.4 inch thick and weighs 3 ounces, and it has a nice, solid construction.

The back of the phone also includes a patterned soft touch finish to give it a non slippery texture. Samsung Magnet features a slim design and eye catching orange color. Samsung Magnet's display certainly doesn't attract big praises. The 64.000 color, 2.2 inch TFT display is bright enough, but with a 176x220 pixel resolution, it isn't the sharpest. Text has some slight fuzziness around the edges and pixels are visible in pictures.

That said, everything was still readable and it's on par with other lower end handsets. The user interface is basic and easy to use. You can choose from various menu styles and themes and change the wallpaper and backlight times. Below the display, you have a navigation array of two soft keys, Talk and End buttons, a Back and Clear button, a message shortcut, and a four way directional keypad with a center select key.

The outer controls (soft keys and Talk and End buttons) are spacious but we had some problem with the center set since they were a bit cramped. Sometimes we'd accidentally hit the End key when trying to press the back button, or we'd end up hitting some letter keys when trying to press the down button. The Magnet's keyboard is pretty easy to use, though the keys are a little stiff to press. The full QWERTY keyboard is quite decent.

The shape of the keys are a little reminiscent of the BlackBerry Bold's rectangular with a slight bump to make them easier to press. They are a good size but just a little stiff to press, which slowed us down a bit but nothing horrible. The number keys are highlighted in orange and the bottom row includes shortcuts to the camera, instant messaging, and games and applications. On the left side, there's a volume rocker, and you'll find Samsung's proprietary headset jack or power connector on the right.

AT&T packages the Samsung Magnet with an AC adapter and reference material. For more add ons, please check our cell phones accessories, ringtones, and help page. If the full QWERTY keyboard didn't give it away, the Samsung Magnet's main attraction is its messaging capabilities. The handset includes a Mobile Mail app that allows you to connect to various accounts, including Yahoo, AOL, Windows Live, Comcast, Earthlink, and other providers.

We received a "Communication Error" the first time we tried to hook up our Yahoo account, but we entered our ID and password again and everything went smoothly, though it took a couple of minutes for the phone to retrieve our messages. The inbox view is simple but it works. There are tabs for your Draft and Sent messages, though you have to go through a couple of menus to get to your other folders. The Magnet also comes preloaded with three instant messaging clients AIM, Yahoo, and Windows Live. The phone comes with a 500 contacts address book and includes room for multiple numbers, an e-mail address, and notes.

For caller ID purposes, you can assign a photo, a group ID, or a custom ringtone. Other phone features include Bluetooth, quad-band world roaming, three way calling, a speakerphone, a vibrate mode, text and multimedia messaging, a WAP browser, as well as organizational tools like a calendar, a task list, notepad, and currency converter. Samsung Magnet is equipped with a VGA camera with 4x digital zoom and a self timer.

You can choose from three sizes, and you also get white balance settings and effects. Picture quality is pretty much what you'd expect from a VGA camera. You could make out the objects in the image but it wasn't the clearest shot and colors were a bit washed out. Once done, you can send your photos via multimedia message, upload them to HP's Snapfish photo service, or set it as your background image. The Magnet offers 16MB of RAM.

Sideralis for Java phones

Sideralis for Java phonesSideralis is a small and free midlet application which displays a map of the stars on your mobile phone. In other words a sky chart for mobile phones.

This is an equivalent to Stellarium or KStar but on your mobile phone.

Free Download: Sideralis.jar


Oracle buys everything. Virtual Iron, Sun ...


Oracle buys SUN, Virtual IRon, mValent and more , more and more
IN 2008 Oracle bought 11 companies.

the best, it is a healthy company.


T3 June 2009 edition rates the AKG K 181 DJ headphones as true all-rounders

‘Great sounding headphones that are good for far more than dance music’

The latest issue of T3 selects the AKG K 181 DJ headphones to join its ‘Headphones Top Five’. This is a great result for the – arguably – specialist cans, which appear in T3’s ‘Best of Everything’ guide.

T3 is Future Publishing’s flagship consumer electronics brand both on and offline, attracting hundreds of thousands of gadget fans every month to its magazine and website. T3 recently delivered its highest ever circulation.


'Hits the Jackpot': Larrivee L-10 reviewed in Guitar & Bass Magazine

Continuing the stream of fantastic reviews and praise from the press, the Larrivee L-10 is reviewed in the new issue of Guitar & Bass Magazine.

"The L-10 sounds pretty darn fab. We're always cautious of makers' own claims, but when Jean Larrivee says 'the bass is solid and tight, with great projection; midrange is strong and highs are crystal clear', he's not overstating his case. Our example really does display those traits, along with a supple, generous dynamics, and he could have added that the low end, apart from it's firmness and power, has a richly-toned warmth that resonates though the whole instrument, but not at the expense of cross-string balance and definition, which remain excellent'.

More information:


Nord releases the Nord Wave Super Sounds – free programs created by some of the best synthesizer programmers

Not only can the Nord Wave use samples, FM synthesis and digital waveforms to complement its already fat and juicy analog style waveforms, it is designed around a very powerful synthesizer architecture that provides you with loads of modulation and sound sculpting capabilities.

We hand picked some of the planet's best synthesizer sound programmers and asked them to create their individual - and ultimate - Nord Wave sound banks. And we sure got some awesome sounds! The results were so amazing that instead of making a couple of best-of banks, we decided that all of these great sounds should be published.

The mission was to bring out the big, bad synthesizer in the Nord Wave, and to exploit its unique sonic character to the limit. The banks reflect the musical heritage and sound preferences of each and every programmer with plenty of personality.

The UK entry was a special project with Future Music magazine.

Further descriptions, sound clips and the actual Banks themselves are available in the Nord Wave Program Library area:


Apple MacBook (Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M)

Internally, the big news is an Nvidia chipset with improved integrated graphics, while the "unibody" aluminum chassis, the buttonless (or more accurately, all button) touch pad, and edge to edge glass on the LED-backlit display are the major physical changes on the outside. While the base model keeps the same $1,299 price (our review unit was the upgraded $1,599 version with a faster processor, a bigger hard drive, and backlit keyboard), you lose the FireWire port in the transition.

And the $1,299 model gets you a 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo, rather than the 2.4GHz CPU. The higher end model keeps the same 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, but also costs $100 more. Both new MacBook models operate on a faster front side bus, (from 800MHz to 1066MHz) and move from DDR2 memory to DDR3. Even with the slower base model CPU and missing FireWire, the new MacBook represents both an impressive value and an impressive feat of engineering although it's hard to expect anything else from Apple's flagship computer product, which has been a consistent favorite for several years.

The most obvious changes are physical. The familiar white and black bodies have been replaced with an aluminum chassis that looks nearly identical to the new MacBook Pro, only smaller. The actual construction for both the new MacBook and MacBook Pro now follows the MacBook Air model, with a solid block of aluminum carved down, rather than a thin outer shell that has had support struts added to it.

The result is a lighter and thinner, yet stronger, chassis that feels more solid and substantial a notable feat, as the previous MacBook models were already extremely sturdy. Another notable new feature is a radically redesigned touch pad. This larger touch pad uses multi touch gestures similar to those found on the iPhone, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro, and offers a much larger surface area than previous 13 inch MacBooks thanks to the elimination of a separate mouse button.

In fact, the entire touch pad depresses like a button, although a simple tapping (as on a PC laptop) will also work once you turn that option on in the settings menu. The all button touch pad concept is actually a bit difficult to get used to, and feels slightly clunky at first compared with a traditional fixed position touch pad. On the other hand, there are some useful new gestures you can hide all your apps by sweeping four fingers up on the pad, and you can also designate one corner of the touch pad as a "right click" zone.

Most useful, perhaps, is sweeping four fingers left or right, which brings up the application switcher. Once you get used to that, going back to a regular touch pad would be difficult. The 13.3 inch wide screen LCD display offers a 1,280x800 native resolution, which is standard for screens between 13 and 15 inches in size. It provides for text and icons that are highly readable, but we'd love to see Apple move into the 16:9 display universe, as in the case with new systems from Sony, Hewlett Packard, and others.

Apple has also added LED-backlit displays (previously available on the Pro models), which means a thinner lid and some battery life benefits, plus the edge to edge glass we're seeing more often on multimedia systems, such as the HP HDX18. The glass, however, also grabs stray light rays with ease, making the glossy screen seem that much glossier a problem if you prefer matte screen finishes.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

MobJab is a Free Mobile Instant Messenger

MobJab is a Free Mobile Instant MessengerMobJab J2ME/Java IMPS Client/Application would work on all Mobile Handsets, PDAs and Smart Phones based on Symbian or Windows Mobile OS. MobJab supports J2ME with MIDP version 1.0 and 2.0 and CLDC version 1.1.

You can use your MobJab Login details and connect to a number of other IM Gateways like AOL Instant Messenger AIM AOL Instant Messenger - AIM, GoogleTalk-Gtalk Messenger and Jabber-XMPP Messenger, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Instant Messenger - YIM and ICQ Messenger from your Mobile Handset.

Free Download: MobJab.jar


Friday, May 22, 2009

Watch Me - Light Touch

Watch Me - Light Touch for Nokia 5800XpressMusicWatch Me - Light Touch is a fun little application to show color on-screen. Not colors, but one! You change the color by sliding your finger horizontally on-screen: left to reduce and right to increase color value.

This application is for PyS60 1.9.3 and Nokia 5800 only, should NOT work with any other combination.

Free Download:

BSS and dbx DI boxes all rated "superb" in magazine round-up

The June issue of the UK's No.1 dedicated Acoustic Guitar Magazine, 'Acoustic', includes a round up of the industry's best DI boxes.

The Active BSS AR-133 and dbx dB12 are featured, as is the Passive dbx dB10. Most importantly all three are rated as 'Superb' with no 'Cons' whatsoever.

The dbx dB10 and db12 are available now at £92 and £126 RRP respectively. The BSS AR-133 is also available now at £189 RRP.

To read the full round up, pick up the June Issue (Issue 30) of Acoustic Magazine.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

KiTwitts allows your to search for twitts on Twitter using keywords

KiTwitts allows your to search for twitts on Twitter using keywordsKiTwitts allows your to search for twitts on Twitter using keywords. You can view the user that twitts using the browser. The application also shows mobile ads based on your search keyword, location and device.

The application is developed for Nokia S60 using Flash Lite 2.0 to fit all Nokia devices which are Flash Lite 2.0/3.0 enabled, We are looking into supporting Nokia S60 5th Ed (Touch based) and S40 too.

Free Download:
(for Nokia S60 3rd edition)
(for Nokia E63 and E71)


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

VDI, Microsoft, Citrix , VMware, Quest, Parallels ...


I would like to write down many options about VDI.
Many times, people speakes about Microsoft, Citrix an VMWare. But there are more options...

Parallels: Parallels Virtuozzo Containers
Quest Software: Provision Networks Virtual Access Suite (vWorkspace)
Sun/Oracle xVM Server y Ops Center con Sun VDI
RedHat KVM y VDI Solid Ice de Qumranet
Microsoft Hyper-V R2 y System Center (SCVMM)
Citrix XenXerver y XenDesktop
Vmware View y Oracle Virtual Iron


Napsters New Serivce Review

Napster has recently just come out with a new subscription offering that sounds almost too good to be true. Their website states, “Get 5 MP3 credits and unlimited access to on-demand music with a plan starting at $5 a month.” First time reading this I was optimistic thinking they were giving the user a Zune subscription service for only $5 a month and on top of that allowing you to keep 5 tracks DRM free each month.

Well they do offer the same service that Zune where you can put unlimited songs on your mp3 player while under the subscription, but that is a completely different service called Napster to go and it costs $15 a month which is the same price as Zunes service.

The $5 plan only allows you to stream their 7 million song collection on your desktop pc and only the 5 DRM free track each month are able to go on your ipod/mp3 player. Napster has also included more than 60 commcial-free radio stations, over a 1,000 pre-programmed playlists, and a feature similar to Pandora to create your own playlists.

Overall sounds like a good deal if you listen to music mainly at your computer, but for people who mainly listen to music on your iPod then this is not for you.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fly the Copter for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and Nokia N97

Fly the Copter for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and Nokia N97The highly addictive Flash based game “Fly the Copter” has now been ported to S60V5 and is compatible with the 5800 and N97.
The game was originally created for the PC by David McCandless and Leandro Barrreto but has since been ported to a variety of platforms including the Apple iPhone. The iPhone version is fully compatible with the iPhone itself whereas this S60 based version is still in the early stages of development. You can see this through the fact that virtual keys are on the screen and the actual game is rather small.

Free Download: copter.sis


Monday, May 18, 2009

XpressAlarm for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and Nokia N97

XpressAlarm for Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and Nokia N97XpressAlarm is an application which helps to protect your phone against theft. Just block the phone and put it in your pocket. If the phone is out of the pocket, the alarm will start. To ensure that the alarm is not sounded, just unlock the phone.

Requires a Python install

Free Download: here

Saturday, May 16, 2009

OBDScope for Nokia S60

OBDScope for Nokia S60OBDScope is a vehicle On-Board diagnostics software for S60 smartphones (3rd and 5th editions). It can be used with an ELM chip based Bluetooth OBD adapter. This is a hobby project and the software is freeware.

Free Download: OBDScope_0.1.2_unsigned.sis

(This is unsigned version. It needs to be signed before installing. Signing can be done e.g. at

MED-V and Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta error


I would like to test MED-V in Windows Server 2008 R2 Beta
I got this error.

aggggg, another version for MDOP 2009 and R2 RTM ?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tweets60 is a free twitter client for Series 60

Tweets60 is a free twitter client for Series 60Tweets60 is a free twitter client for Series 60 devices.

  • Post directly from your phone
  • Faster and more efficient than the mobile site
  • Keep up to date with automatic polling
  • Manage who you're following on the go
Free Download: here

SQL Server 2008 Resource Governor

As the number of queries hitting a database grows, contention for memory and CPU resources increases, giving rise to problems such as runaway queries that monopolize resources and deny them to other applications, and unpredictable workload execution, which occurs because jobs run more quickly at times when competition for resources is minimal and more slowly at other times, when competition is greater.

Predictable workload execution
Resource Governor, a new SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition feature, addresses these problems by enabling administrators to explicitly control the allocation of resources to competing workloads by applying administrator-defined CPU and memory limits to specified workloads, such as regular maintenance jobs or periodic resource intensive queries. This helps to make query execution more predictable and can prevent the occurrence of runaway queries.

You define the available resources by creating resource pools, and you use classifier functions and workload groups to identify workloads and apply limits.

Resource pools
Resource pools limit the available resources in terms of maximum and minimum CPU and memory percentages, which you define. You can create multiple pools, each with different resource settings to reflect the different workloads on the system. Resource Governor will use the percentage values that you supply to calculate a shared percentage value and an effective maximum value for CPU and memory for each of the pools. When calculating these figures, Resource Governor takes account of the competing requirements of each pool so that resource usage is balanced. In addition to user defined resource pools, there are two default resource pools, called ‘Internal’ and ‘Default’, which are used by the Internal and Default workload groups respectively.

Workload groups
A workload group is effectively a container into which incoming sessions are placed. Administrators can define multiple workload groups to represent the different types of workload that the system experiences, and SQL Server also has the two built-in workload groups, ‘Internal’ and ‘Default’, that we mentioned above. Connecting sessions are allocated to the Default group when they are not explicitly allocated to any other group, and the internal group is for use by SQL Server itself, for processes such as Lazy Writer.

Each workload group is associated with a resource pool, which dictates the memory and CPU resources that are available to the workload group, as described earlier. Workload groups have additional settings that can be used to fine tune resource usage, including the maximum number of CPUs that the group can use, and LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH importance settings to prioritize workload groups relative to other workload groups. By allocating sessions to a specific workload group, you limit the resources that an application has access to, which prevents problems such as runaway queries from ever arising.

Classifier functions
Classifier functions examine incoming sessions as they connect to the server and allocate them to user defined or system workload groups. When you define a classifier function, you can use functions such as HOSTNAME(), SUSER_SNAME(), and APP_NAME() to identify sessions and stream them into the appropriate workload group. For example, you can create a function that uses APP_NAME() to check the names of applications that initiate sessions, and to place them into workload groups that were created to apply limits specifically for those applications. For maximum efficiency, classifier functions should ideally group together sessions that perform similar tasks so that each workload group is as uniform as possible.

Resource Governor is a powerful tool that is likely to become an essential part of the way we manage SQL Server databases. However, it is not a panacea for poorly performing queries, and you still need to consider all of the ‘traditional’ ways of improving query performance, such as good index and query design. There are also a couple of limitations to consider before you race off to implement it on your servers: Firstly, with the current release, Resource Governor can only be used to manage workloads within an instance of SQL Server; so if you’re running a multi-instance set-up, workloads from one instance can still impact upon with the execution of workloads from other instances, just as they always did. Secondly, Resource Governor can only be used to manage the database engine itself, and not to manage Integration Services, Reporting Services, or Analysis Services.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

BSS Soundweb BLU-Link treatment for Epsom racecourse's new grandstand

When RaceTech audio systems engineer Robin Dibble undertook the sound system fit-out in the old Queens Stand at the famous Epsom Downs Racecourse eight years ago, he used BSS Audio’s then state-of-the-art Soundweb 9088 ‘Green’ boxes to construct his network.

But the world of digital audio networking moves even faster than the pack on Derby Day, and when Jockey Club Racecourses recently commissioned a £38m three-year development project, including the construction of the new 11,000 capacity Duchess Grandstand, he knew that with today’s technology he could adopt vastly more progressive system architecture.

Several generations on, Robin Dibble was able to specify five BSS Audio Soundweb BLU-160 DSPs — placed on the new fault-tolerant BLU-link 256-channel ring. Based on Gigabit Ethernet cabling, The BLU-link equipped Soundweb units are situated in a dedicated air-conditioned control room that houses four 48U racks.

In summary, he says, “The BLU’s have made a huge difference to the efficiency and have enabled us to deliver a very user-friendly system. BLU-Link offers greater digital capacity and all the processing simply floats in the middle of the BLU-link network.

“Fifteen years ago this would have required huge amounts of cable and external processors, patch leads and so on. Now everything is contained within the Soundweb Processors and with a great deal more flexibility.”

More information:

*** Sound Technology offers free monthly BSS Soundweb training for both Soundweb Original (Green) and Soundweb London (BLU). For details please visit ***


Soundcraft Vi6 puts Va Va Voom into Ultravox

When Midge Ure, Warren Cann, Chris Cross and Billy Currie decided to reform Ultravox for a reunion Return to Eden tour this spring, it was the first time the classic line up of the band had performed together since Live Aid in 1985.

They would be performing exclusively back catalogue material converting the classical analogue early ‘80s synth-driven New Romantics sound into digital and it seemed a natural choice for them to use Midge's long-serving FOH engineer Berenice Hardman and production manager/monitor man, Dave Claxton

Soundcraft Vi6 with AdLib's Hassan Essiahi

But Claxton and Hardman admit that in ‘switching codes’ to digital they only opted for the Soundcraft Vi6 for FOH after much evaluation, sourcing their requirements — including a JBL VerTec line array system — from Adlib Audio, with whom they have enjoyed a long relationship.

"I've used most of the digital boards on the market and never been overly happy with any of them. It always seems to be a compromise between footprint and usability, with the former winning the battle."

"We’ve known [Adlib Audio’ MD] Andy Dockerty since the late 80's and we went to him because he had the Soundcraft Vi6 and we knew we would get the correct standard of service." says Berenice. "It's intuitive and feels like a desk — I knew straight away that I had made the right choice. A very wise man once told me that the best engineers had nothing between their ears and their fingertips. I don't want to have to THINK about how to achieve something, it should just happen"

More information:


"...if the (Nord) Electro 3 were a poker player, I'd fold my cards immediately".

The latest incarnation of the Nord Electro is reviewed in this month's Keyboard Player magazine.

The Electro 3 features a new organ section, a new piano section, new effects and a new exciting feature that allows the Electro 3 to use any samples from the Nord Sample library. The Electro 3 now uses the virtual modeling of Nord's C1 dedicated organ.

"Starting with the Electro 3's pianos, its electric pianos are one of the real high points and the opening Fender Rhodes sound was one I kept returning to, time after time. Even without effects this is a real killer sound".

"The tonewheel organ was a vital feature of the first Electro and this evolution of that sound is indeed a fine re-creation. I felt it had the edge over the C1 Combo Organ with an earthier feel and 'grimy' sound beloved by many player; it was a pleasure to work with".

"...if the Electro 3 were a poker player, I'd fold my cards immediately".

More information:


Ozone is WebKit based mobile browser for S60

Ozone is WebKit  based mobile browser for S60Ozone is a world-class mobile browser that offers great performance and outstanding mobile browsing experience for S60 and UIQ based phones.

Ozone's features make it one of the best in its class. From the open-source WebKit engine, Ozone not only delivers advanced features such as client-side database support, application cache, zooming and multiple windows, but also provides the best web-standards compliant experience that's available.

Free Download:
Alpha release for S60 devices:
(for S60 3rd Edition Feature pack 1 and 2 devices (e.g., Nokia N95, E71))
(for S60 3rd Edition (initial release) devices (e.g. Nokia N73, N80))
Alpha release for UIQ devices:


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dell G2410

The 24 inch Dell G2410 is plainly designed with angular features and a black matte finish. The bezel measures a short 0.75 inch long on all sides and the middle of the bottom bezel has a slightly raised silver Dell logo on it. The panel is nearly 1 inch deep (In comparison, most 24 inch models we've tested have a panel depth of more than an inch) however, the back of the display which houses the backlight, connection options, and ventilation system extends another 1.5 inches, bringing the full monitor depth to about 2.4 inches.

The panel width measures 22.4 inches long average for a monitor of this screen size. The rectangular footstand measures 10.75 inches in width, with a depth of 6.1 inches. The footstand is a short 0.5 inch tall. We saw only minimal wobbling when we knocked the display from the sides, but with such a long and flat footstand, you'd really have to knock it hard before it toppled.
The bottom of the bezel sits about 2.75 inches from the desktop, but unfortunately, this screen height is neither adjustable nor is there a screen rotation or pivot option useful if you prefer portrait mode.

The capability to tilt the screen back 25 degrees is the only ergonomic feature included. To keep the price and energy footprint down, Dell only includes DVI and VGA as connection options. You're out of luck if you want to connect an external Blu-ray player, since there is no HDMI which is a mainstay on most monitors this size. The most improved feature of the Dell G2410 is its on screen display.

The OSD follows Dell's recent stellar, labelless design last seen in the SP2309W and S2409W. This OSD, however, is even simpler and easier to use with more features. Four buttons line the lower right hand corner of the bezel. Pressing any of the buttons brings up the OSD, which pops up parallel to the button array, each option corresponds to one of the four buttons. Once a new menu comes up, the function of the buttons change dynamically, as the top two buttons become the up and down arrow buttons used to navigate though the newly seen menu.

Since any button labels for the OSD are actually on the screen, calibrating the display in a dark room proved painless. Pressing the button next to "Energy Modes" on the OSD brings up a menu for choosing three different modes that determine your monitor's energy footprint. Choosing Standard lets the user manually set the display's brightness. Energy Smart activates the ambient light sensor and caps the screen brightness at 66 percent.

The ambient light sensor will adjust the brightness based on the level of light in the room the lower the ambient light level, the lower the brightness automatically adjusts. Energy Smart Plus is identical to Energy Smart, but adds dynamic dimming, which automatically dims the backlight when the screen shows an image that is overly bright or all white. As you change options that affect your energy footprint brightness, the three energy modes you'll see an Energy Gauge in the OSD.

The gauge is a meter that dynamically changes based on how much power your monitor is consuming. Take your brightness to full and the gauge goes into the red. Bring the brightness back down and your gauge responds by turning green. Ultimately, the Energy Gauge is not that useful, as it depends primarily on your monitor's current brightness level however, this is a welcome first step and we'd like to see Dell and other vendors continue to develop its usefulness.

Aside from the energy mode options, OSD options include the mainstays brightness, contrast, and various color options. The presets are separated into two categories Graphics and Video. There are six Graphics presets to choose from: Standard, Multimedia, Game, Warm, Cool, and, of course, Custom. The movie presets are Movie, Game, Sports and Nature. The presets do not change anything other than the Red, Green, and Blue color balance and therefore how well each setting works will be subjective.

Also, there are options to adjust the hue and color saturation in addition to options like setting the OSD to stay on screen up to a minute useful for anyone who will spend a good amount of time calibrating. The Dell G2410's 16:9 aspect ratio supports a "Full HD" 1.920x1,080 pixel native resolution. This continues the trend of more and more monitor vendors moving toward 16:9 from 16:10 because high definition content in particular 1080p movies can fit onto a 1.920x1.080 pixel screen without distorting the image.

jibjib - small and fast J2ME Twitter client

jibjib - small and fast J2ME Twitter clientjibjib is a small, fast and easy J2ME Twitter client for any Java-enabled mobile phone with CLDC 1.0/MIDP 1.0 for version prior to 1.0.11 and CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0 for version 1.0.11 and later. jibjib is minimalistic and it is designed for road warriors. The version newer than 1.0.17 will support both CLDC 1.0/MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0.

Free Download: jibjib.jad and jibjib.jar

Microsoft Zune 120GB

The design of the Zune 120 is almost entirely unchanged from the Zune 80 we reviewed last year. The back of the Zune is now black instead of silver and the face of the player is covered with a glossy plastic that, although pretty, is more prone to smudges and scratches than the metal finish on last year's model. We're happy to see that the increase in the Zune's hard drive capacity doesn't translate into a thicker design.

The Zune 120 measures the same 4.3 inches high by 2.4 inches wide by 0.5 inch deep as the Zune 80. Also, no changes have been made to the Zune's navigation controls, headphone jack, hold switch, dock connection, and 3.2 inch glass covered LCD. Considering Apple's strategy of altering its iPod design every fall (for better or for worse), it's a little unnerving to see the Zune's hardware design at a standstill.

The upshot of the Zune's lack of design tinkering is that it maintains the product's compatibility with the handful of accessories designed for the player. The bulk of the third generation Zune's improvements are found by flicking through its main menu. New menu items for Games and Marketplace have been added alongside existing selections for Music, Videos, Pictures, Social, Radio, Podcasts, and Settings. The Zune's primary purpose as a high quality portable music player hasn't changed.

If anything, the enhancements offered by the third generation firmware have bolstered the unique music discovery and sharing features that have differentiated the Zune from the very beginning. One of the more notable new features on the Zune is a Marketplace selection in the main menu that allows you to browse, preview, and download music directly from Microsoft's Zune Marketplace online store.

Within the Marketplace submenu you can choose between browsing Top Songs, Top Albums, and New Releases, or search for specific music by keying in a few letters. Songs can be previewed for 30 seconds with the option to add them to your virtual cart or purchase and download immediately. By signing up for Microsoft's Zune Pass music subscription service (a free 14 day trial is available), you can download unlimited music to your Zune for a flat fee of $15 a month.

Otherwise, you'll need to purchase songs a la carte by setting up a payment account in the Zune desktop software. Your Zune needs to be connected to a Wi-Fi hot spot in order to take advantage of the Marketplace feature. Fortunately, Microsoft has improved the Zune's ability to step through public Wi-Fi hot spots, and it's even struck a deal with fast food giant McDonald's to have the Zune supported by the Wayport Wi-Fi hot spots found in many McDonald's restaurants. If your local Wi-Fi requires you to enter a password, you can enter it manually using the Zunepad. The Zune will remember and associate your Wi-Fi passwords so that you'll only need to enter them once.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Just what is Dropbox?

Virtual Storage with Dropbox
For those of you who don't know, Dropbox is a simple online virtual storage utility that allows you to make your files accessible from almost anywhere. Designed for those who are tired of e-mailing files to themselves and carrying around flash drives, Dropbox looks to revolutionize the way you store and share files.

Here's how it works. After installation and connecting to the server, the Dropbox interface is just like any folder on your computer. You simply drag and drop to move files around and any files or folders that are uploaded to Dropbox will immediately be synchronized within your account. In addition Dropbox also keeps track of every single change made to the contents of your storage and any changes are instantly updated to all computers linked to the account.

What happens if I'm not on any of my computers? Absolutely no need to worry. Just get on the Dropbox web interface and you will be able to access your files from anywhere in the world. The Dropbox web interface also remembers all the changes you make to your files and allows you to restore to any previous versions of the file. You can even un-delete files that you may have accidentally erased.

Where Dropbox really shines is the way it allows you to share whatever you want with other people. Every individual folder can be shared with other people and every member of a shared folder will be able to add, edit, and delete the contents inside but will not be able to access anything outside of that specific folder. This file sharing system is perfect for team projects involving music or video editing, computer and system repairs, or for anything which needs collaboration among its members. There is also a public folder that allows you to share files with non-Dropbox users through the use of a hyperlink.

If you are looking for an easy and reliable way to share files amongst friends, family, and coworkers then take a look at what Dropbox has to offer. Dropbox is free for Windows, Mac, and Linux and you can have share 2 GB of your files for free or upgrade to Dropbox Pro for 50GB of storage.

170 people at UK Propellerhead Producers Conference treated to extra special preview

Saturday 9th May 2009 saw Propellerhead host simultaneous Producer's Conferences across the world. The UK Conference, organised by UK distributor Sound Technology at the Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford, has been hailed as a great success. A near capacity crowd of 170 saw a series of excellent and varied presentations, including a DJ set from A Guy Called Gerald, plus a secret preview of Propellerhead's Record software announced today.

Sound Technology would like to thank everyone who attended the event, we hope it was a valuable day for you. We'd also like to thank our fantastic guest presenters and all the staff of the Academy of Contemporary Music and the Electric Theatre for helping to make the event a success.

If you'd like to be informed of any future events please sign-up for our monthly newsletter:

Gary Bromham opened the conference with a great session on mixing on mastering - from basic mix tips and tricks, to practical use of EQ, dynamics and mastering effects.

Michael Tognarelli of London-based production outfit Blu Mar Ten stepped up with a fascinating look at sampling techniques within Reason, particularly using the NNXT sampler device. Michael gave an excellent insight into Blu Mar Ten's sample layering techniques - both an art and a science!

Alex Blanco delivered a brilliant ReCycle demo - presenting the flexible and creative benefits of its technology for today's productions.

As the final artist presentation, Reason's flexibility was demonstrated once again as the audience were treated to an amazing DJ set from A Guy Called Gerald with live on-the-fly editing and mixing. During the Q&A session Gerald answered questions regarding his use of Reason and his switch from racks of analogue gear to working almost exclusively in Reason, both for production and live work.

And finally, the event saw a secret preview of Propellerhead's new Record audio recording software by Propellerhead's VP of Marketing, Tim Self. Not only did the attendees get an exclusive advance look, but also received beta-test codes for immediate access to the software.

Audience reactions to the Record 'reveal':


Propellerhead reinvents recording music with Record

Propellerhead Software today unveiled Record, the recording software that puts the musician in focus. Record combines effortless recording and a stunning software mixer console with a limitless rack of audio processing gear that builds itself or can be infinitely customized.

“We figured it was time that someone took a fresh look at recording from a musician’s perspective. Not needing to bolt music features onto an ageing audio application, we truly started from scratch with full knowledge of today’s computer architectures and capabilities. Record is the result,” says Ernst Nathorst-Böös, CEO. “In short we wanted to do what we’ve always done—help people make more and better music.”

Recording done right
Built for independent minded musicians, Record has the feel of a million dollar recording studio with the streamlined simplicity of a tape deck. For guitar players, the built-in virtual Pod from Line 6® brings a wide range of top quality guitar amps and cabinets. Record’s software mixer’s sound is faithfully modeled* after the renowned SSL® 9000K hardware with flexible routing, full dynamics, EQ, advanced effects handling and complete automation. With its state-of-the-art dynamic multicore audio handling, Record uses a computer's processing power to its fullest. Users will never have worry about track counts, latency issues or adding that extra reverb or effect. With an easy to grasp interface, it won't get in the way of ideas and will inspire users to make more music.

Pricing & availability
Record begins beta testing today and will be available for purchase worldwide on September 9, 2009. Record will be available through all Propellerhead dealers worldwide at an expected retail price of £249 inc VAT.

Propellerhead will also offer special bundles and pricing to its users through its retailers.

Learn more about Record
To learn more about Record and to see video on its use, please visit

Please click on images below for high-resolution versions:

Above: Record Channel Strip

Above: Record Interface

Above: Record Mixing Console

Above: Record Rack Backside

Above: Record Rack

Above: Record Sequencer

About Propellerhead Software

Propellerhead Software is a privately owned company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Formed in 1994, Propellerhead has created some of the world's most innovative music software and technology standards. Musicians, producers and the media have praised the products Reason, ReCycle and ReBirth for being inspiring, great sounding, easy to use and superior quality. Technologies such as ReWire and the REX file format are now de-facto industry standards, implemented in all major music software. Today, Reason is used all over the world by professionals and enthusiasts for all kinds of music making.

*All product names used are trademarks of their respective owners, and in no way constitute an association or affiliation with Propellerhead Software. The SSL and/or Solid State Logic trademarks are solely used to identify the products whose sound was studied during Propellerhead Software’s sound modeling development. The trademarks SSL and Solid State Logic are owned by Red Lion 49 Limited.