
Thursday, November 9, 2006

CorePlayer (formerly TCPMP) on Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone

CorePlayer,an alternative media player from the creators of TCPMP is not that exciting as it first sounded!The fact that it is no longer free says it all -- updates on commercial applications take a long time as they want to release the best version unlike free versions ;)A quick summary of the features found missing in CorePlayer v1.0 ::1)No...

Sunday, November 5, 2006

GMAIL Stand-alone Java client for your Smartphone

Good news from Google!!Google released a Java client for Windows Mobiles.All we need to do is access from pocketIE.It will give you an option to click on a link which says 'Get Faster Gmail' and the normal logon screen.Click on the former and it will proceed to download the .jad file for the same and it installs the Java client...

Linux on HTC Typhoon - An Alternative Approach

My previous post on booting Linux might seem cumbersome to Linux noobs like me ;) hence this post.Credit goes to Apoorva for his ideas!I was desperate to boot Linux the other day and Apoorva gave me few tips which eliminated the need of a Linux PC to make a bootable image on to miniSD.Ok now lets get started:: Prerequisites:: miniSD imageWinHex...

2 GB miniSD on HTC Typhoon doubling as a Pen Drive

It is not possible to use WM5 Typhoon as a mass storage device yet but there sure is a way to use the massive miniSD card as a storage device!!I have been using a 2 GB miniSD card in my HTC Typhoon.Was charmed after seeing my device work flawlessly with such big a flash memory card,Nokia Smartphones definitely cannot hold them though ;) ...

Windows Mobile 5 tour on HTC Typhoon a.k.a Orange SPV C500, Qtek 8010, Krome IQ 700, i-mate SP3, Audiovox SMT 5600

A video tour of Windows Mobile 5.0 on a Smartphone (HTC Typhoon).All the applications are briefd out for you to get a feel about what a ... all » smartphone is and what their capabilities are!! A quick preview of the powerful applications shown in this video.I put a 2 GB miniSD in this phone without compromising on any features (speedwise).Enjoy the vide...

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Agile Messenger for Windows Mobiles 5.0

Thrilled after seeing the latest version of Agile Messenger.Finally,Google's GTalk is embedded into the program!!The downsider being,it is not free any more.It is a free trial for 7 days. Download this program he...