comparable than nation-based frameworks. A city focus provides opportunities
for faster learning and global best-practice sharing
T H E M U LT I P L E N AT U R E O F I C T is worthy of
note: both a service and business in itself,
ict is also a means for society to allow
new ideas to prosper and new, more efficient approaches to problem solving to be developed. Its
multiple nature creates a demand for new frameworks that give us a more complete view of its
potential, and allow us to realize it.
Ericsson’s “Networked Society City Index” report outlines the development of ict-enabled
benefits to cities. Its purpose is to create a broader discussion about the efficiency and innovation gains that ict provides – and to stimulate
cross-sector dialogs on successful strategies. A
vital part of this is the sharing of experiences –
both positive and less positive. The index and
the dimensions it includes capture these, and target ict enablement for triple-bottom-line (social, economic and environmental) development
across society as a whole.
Presenting the effects and benefits of ict maturity within a city framework creates several opportunities. Firstly, cities represent a more universally comparable context compared with the
more commonly used nation-based frameworks.
Comparing London with Shanghai makes more
sense than comparing the uk with China. Hence
a city focus provides opportunities for faster
learning and global best-practice sharing.
Secondly, cities will increasingly require effective ict strategies – across a multitude of players – to be implemented in order to match the
needs of social, economic and environmental development. Finally, the City Index framework
provides city mayors, local authorities and decision makers with a tool to measure and analyze
their city’s ict maturity as well as triple-bottomline results of realized ict investments.
Networked Society
City Index – learning from the best
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