
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Call for Papers - Librarians and Copyright - AALS 2012 - Washington, DC

Call for Papers - Librarians and Copyright - AALS 2012 - Washington, DC

The AALS Section on Law Libraries will hold a program during the AALS 2012 Annual Meeting, Jan. 4-8, 2012, in Washington, D.C., on Libraries and Copyright: Friends, Enemies, or Strangers on a Common Path? The submission deadline is Sept. 16, 2011. This Call for Papers will result in a panel presentation by three to five authors writing in areas suggested by the program description, which follows:

Libraries and Copyright: Friends, Enemies, or Strangers on a Common Path?

Library activities surrounding the management, dissemination, and creation of information require close attention to copyright law, its underlying intentions, and its restrictions. As libraries develop scholarship repositories, digitize collections, and preserve born-digital information, for instance, they may challenge the limits of copyright and find themselves confronting new issues, such as access to born-digital information when the author requests removal of material already publicly posted, liability for copyright infringement in other countries when lending resources to foreign libraries, and restrictions on use of library-licensed materials in online classrooms. These and many other copyright-related issues challenge library administrators in the effective, legal presentation of library services.

Presenters, chosen from a Call for Papers, will explore how copyright currently impacts libraries; how it might affect future library endeavors; how it has been, or may be, (mis)interpreted in library practices; and how it might be changed to better reflect the reality in which libraries exist today. Papers may cover topics examining any aspect of copyright, including but not limited to those relating to licensing, collection sharing arrangements, digitization, scholarly repositories, and challenges to common assumptions about copyright in library activities.

Faculty members and professional staff of AALS member and fee-paid law schools are eligible to submit papers. Foreign, visiting and adjunct law faculty members, non-law faculty members, graduate students, and fellows are not eligible to submit.

Newer members are especially encouraged to submit papers. Non-published works will be given a higher priority, but papers that already have been, or are scheduled to be, published (including in SSRN and pre-publication resources) are eligible for consideration.

Form and Submissions:
Papers submitted for consideration should be in a close-to-final form but need not be publication-ready.

The manuscript should be double-spaced, on 8 1/2″ by 11″ paper in 12-point (preferably Times New Roman font) with 1″ margins on all sides. Pages should be numbered sequentially. Footnotes should be 10-point or larger, single-spaced, and preferably on the same page as the referenced text. All citations should conform to THE BLUEBOOK: A UNIFORM SYSTEM OF CITATION.

Submissions should be prepared using Microsoft Word (or otherwise submitted in rich text format) and must be sent electronically to the address below. Submissions are limited to articles and essays.

Registration Fee and Expenses:
Call for Paper panel participants will be responsible for paying their own annual meeting registration fee and travel expenses.

How will papers be reviewed?
Papers will be selected after a review by members of the Executive Committee of the Section.

Up to five to papers will be chosen by the Committee, and from these finalists, three or four authors will be asked to present their scholarship at the AALS Annual Meeting program. Submissions not yet publicly available (e.g., SSRN) will be given preference in selection for presentation.

Will the program be published in a journal?
The selected finalists are expected to publish their articles in a special issue of the Review of Intellectual Property Law (RIPL) and should be prepared to submit their unpublished, draft articles to RIPL editors for review by January 15, 2012.

Deadline date for submission:
September 16, 2011.

Contact for inquiries:
Michelle M. Wu
Georgetown Law Center
111 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

Contact for submissions:
Barbara Bintliff
The University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, TX 78705

Authors of accepted papers will be notified by October 7, 2011.

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