
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Apple and Windows together? Only for pranksters

Apple and Windows to mix, unless you're a prankster in Germany.

A group of pranksters posing as the attached Saturday construction workers a Windows logo of four pieces outside a Hamburg Apple store is under construction.

MacNN, Apple store is second in the city and he can open at the end of September.

Do not have to worry about Apple fans, the sign is easily removable, reports Electronista. Which makes the situation a temporary inconvenience for Apple instead of a crisis of identity for one of its most recent stores.

A video of the stuffing has been downloaded to a user of YouTube, called WAVcollective. Since his posting, he has been viewed approximately 30 000 times.

AppleInsider notes the irony that farce took place shortly after "fluctuations in the US stock market have market value of Apple exceeding the combined value of Microsoft and Intel."

Apple stores have seen their tenth anniversary in May. There are now more than 300 Apple stores around the world.

Microsoft opened its first store at retail in 2009. According to its website, there are now 11 stores Microsoft around the United States.

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